An Ultimate Summary Of Leather Tanning Chemicals And Their Types

Posted on: November 28, 2021

Learn about different leather tanning chemicals, their classifications, and their impact on achieving top-quality leather.

Leather tanning involves several steps, each depending on different chemicals to transform raw hides into strong, high-quality leather. These leather chemicals bare essential throughout the process, from preparing the hides to the final finish. For instance, sodium sulfide helps remove hair, while sulfuric acid is used in the acidification process. Formaldehyde is another important chemical that makes the leather tougher and more durable. Newer solutions like Vintreat Polymers, found in synthetic tanning agents, help improve the process by replacing older additives, making it more efficient. Overall, these chemicals ensure that the leather produced is long-lasting and high quality.

Leather tanning chemicals can be divided into 4 groups.

VEGETABLE TANNING: Vegetable tanning is one of the oldest tanning methods. Extracts from wood and nuts of trees and shrubs are used. Though it takes longer to tan the hide with this method, the end result is distinct leather that ages beautifully.

CHROME TANNING: About 75% of tanned leather produced is chrome tanned. This process uses trivalent chromium which is considered a very safe substance. Chrome tanning produces layers that can be worn year after year without any change in properties. Though this process is quicker than vegetable tanning, it does put a strain on the environment.

CHROME FREE/ALDEHYDE TANNING: These are other types of tanning that are grouped together and colloquially known as chrome-free or aldehyde tanning. Leather produced by this method is mostly used in automobiles. The most common type of chrome-free tanning is aldehyde tanning which uses glutaraldehyde. Aldehyde tanned leather usually requires more chemicals and treatment after tanning.

ZEOLITE TANNING: This is one of the most recent and innovative methods of tanning. Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals. They have a unique property in the sense that they can release or hold on to water depending on the temperature. Water absorption is an important part of leather comfort and tannage and tannage which offers it is in huge demand. One of the benefits of Zeolite tanning is that it is chrome-free, aldehyde free and heavy metal-free

Here are some of the common chemicals used in the tanning process,

WATER: Water is used in the tanning process as an intermediate or medium to allow other chemicals to be absorbed into the skin

SALT: Salt inhibits the breeding of bacteria in the skin by absorbing all the liquid. Salt also ensures that the moisture and salinity level in the skin is balanced.

SODIUM SULFIDE: Raw skin and hide often have hairs. Sodium Sulfide is used to get rid of it.

SULFATE OIL: Fish oil with Sulfuric acid produces oil that can be used for liquoring or anointment during the tanning process.

SULFURIC ACID: The acidification process stops the acidification of enzymes used in the erosion process.

FORMALDEHYDE: Formaldehyde reacts with the amino acid in skin proteins which makes the skin more durable.

CHROMOSAL B: Chromosal product comes from the Bayer patent product. It is used during chrome tanning.

Vinati Organics is a leading manufacturer of leather chemicals and organic intermediaries with a market presence spanning over 35 countries in the world.

Vinati organics manufactures miscellaneous polymer products like Vintreat Polymers which serve as syntan additives used in synthetic tanning agents. It can be used up to 30% as an additive in syntan and can replace kaolin powder, protein fillers, sulphates, and other intermediaries. We have three types of vintreat polymer

Vintreat CAP
Vintreat SAP
Vintreat SP

Vintreat Polymers are available in 20-KG HDPE lined bags.

Since its inception in 1989, Vinati Organics Ltd has evolved from being a single product manufacturer to an integrated business offering a wide range of products to some of the largest industrial and chemical companies across the U.S, Europe and Asia.