What Are The Uses Of Concrete Admixtures? And Its Applications?
A concrete admixture is a substance that is added to concrete to achieve or improve its properties. They are added to concrete along with water and aggregate either before or during the mixing process.
There are different types of concrete admixtures like water-reducing admixtures, superplasticizers, accelerating admixtures, shrinkage admixtures, air entrainment admixtures and set retarding admixtures.
Uses And Applications Of Concrete Admixtures
Concrete Admixtures
Concrete additives like plasticizers and superplasticizers reduce the amount of production water. They do this by bringing about a change in the physical properties of the concrete depending on the amount of water, cement and mineral additives added to it.
They work through electric repulsion. Polymer molecules with negative charge function groups are absorbed into the cement grains. This increases the dispersion of cement agglomerates in the concrete mix which then releases water and increases the liquidity of the mix. The right plasticizer will give concrete the properties designed for a specific structural element.
Pouring fresh concrete is a very time-sensitive project and unforeseen delays can lead to major problems. By using concrete additives, it is possible to have better control over concrete. Admixtures can restore large batches of concrete that previously would have got rejected because of delays or complications. Moreover, they can improve the performance of problem concrete by changing its characteristics and increasing workability.
Chemical Admixtures
They are utilized to lower the cost of construction, modify the properties of hardened concrete, and ensure high-quality concrete while mixing, transporting, placing and curing.
Successful use of chemical additives depends on the method of batching and concreting. Most admixtures are supplied in a ready-to-use form and are incorporated into the concrete at the job site. The effectiveness of chemical additives depends on a variety of factors like the type of cement used, cement and water content, mixing time, slump and the temperature of concrete and air.
The effects of chemical admixtures can also be achieved by altering the concrete mixture, reducing the water-cement ratio, adding more cement to the concrete and using a different type of cement.
Research has led to the development of newer types of admixtures aimed at providing environmental benefits such as lowering pollution by reducing the need for Portland cement production. Other types of concrete aggregates are being experimented which allow concrete to self-heal or absorb pollution.
Acrylic super plasticizer-245 is a low molecular weight copolymer salt which is specifically used in high-quality concrete for water reduction and improved workability. It can also replace Polycarbonate Ether in the concrete admixture by almost 10% thereby reducing costs and improving product performance. It is generally dispensed at a rate of 0.3-0.5 kg per 100 kg of cement and should be incorporated directly into the water before mixing into wet aggregate.
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